Dagna Bieda

Dagna Bieda

My name is Dagna Bieda, and I’m a Software Engineer turned Career Coach. In my coding career, I moved from programming robots and microcontrollers in C through embedded software used in cellphone towers providing LTE in C++, distributed web apps with Ruby on Rails to mobile apps providing parking and transit solutions in Swift, Kotlin, and Java.

Then I moved to reprogramming human minds, which is what I do with my coaching clients.

My clients have various backgrounds - from small companies to FAANG+ companies. Experience ranging from 2-20 years of experience and education going from self-taught, through career-changing Bootcamp grads, to college grads, even PhDs, some with a military background.

As a Coach, I’ve helped them reach for their potential by reprogramming their mindset for success, finding gaps in their skillset, and strategically planning how to fill those in.

Episodes Featuring Dagna Bieda